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Monday, March 1, 2010

KittenPawsVintage in Neet Magazine!

Hello all! Hope your Monday is going wonderfully! Right now I am sitting down to a cup of coffee and flipping through the latest edition of Neet Magazine. I'm so excited because KittenPaws has it's first little ad out in this super cool online indie fashion magazine! It's near the middle so flip on through and check it out!! There are some pretty rad features this month, my favorite is definitely 'Paper Garden' so cool!


  1. Totally loved that ad!! It made me click through to your website actually! I was featured in N.E.E.T. Magazine too!! Check out my articles on pp. 92-93 & 127-128. :)

    Sarah Corley

  2. Nice thanks for stopping by girlie! **Flipping through NEET again to find you**
