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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is Arizona

Hello all! Just wanted to share some of my favorite images from yesterdays KittenPawsVintage photoshoot! There were so many photos I was extremely excited about and I really did have trouble narrowing down what to share.  Rachel and I had a blast shooting in the very Arizona deserty landscape of Apache Junction. I have a few places I really like to go but I was kind of getting tired of them so it was really really good to go somewhere completely different and be inspired by a completely different landscape.  Any who these are just a few of the new pieces that are going to go up in the shop in the next couple of days. Can't wait to get everything up..... :) 


  1. You HAVE to wear that green dress out dancing if it doesn't sell too fast!

    Love the new locales, they make for some sweet, sweet pics :D

  2. wow great photos. love all of the outfits! great selection of clothes, especially the lace and floral ones! Looks like loads of fun!

  3. What a fantastic shoot! Im loving those spandex beauties up at the top
    And the deer toooo!!!

  4. Thanks lovelies for your kind words! Dorota- these are photos I took of one of my BFFs and models Rachel for the Kittenpawsvintage clothing line :)

  5. very very very nice ! love your style... really elegant and individual :))
    x x x x
