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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Costume Photoshoot with Anya

This weekend I got to shoot some photos with my friend Anya! Anya is a super stylish and extremely fun girl who is in her final semester as a costume design major at ASU. For her capstone project she created a line of 80s themed costume party dresses and I had the joy of photo documenting them for her! We only got through about half of them so these are just a few of the pieces. The shoot was a lot of fun but extremely hot and full of wilderness adventures!! Oooh what we do for the sake of art lol!  I really need to do a KittenPaws shop update but have been dreading the 115 degree heat!!! I'm hoping to get out of town for a day and shoot some photos in northern Arizona at some point in the next few weeks. We will see....!


  1. These photos are SOOOO great! Her hair is amazing in the first one, I'm kind of overwhelmed by all the costume changes! Love it!

  2. wow she is gorgeous! beautiful work. loving the costumes and portraiture.

  3. Love the photos!!! The costumes are amazing <3
