Maria Saporito, I'm an interior designer turned print designer and I sing in the band Hurry the Rising.
What inspires you?
Spending time with God in nature is probably the most inspirational for me; whether it's at a beach, in the forest or on a mountain, I am inspired by spending time with Him. Also, my family. My parents are hard-working, intelligent people who have sacrificed and loved me all my life--I strive to be like them. My grandparents show me what kind of life I want and the character I wish to possess.
When do you feel the most beautiful?
I feel the most beautiful when I spend time with my grandfather. My grandfather looks at me with love no matter how I look! Of course, it doesn't hurt that I bare a striking resemblance physically and personality-wise to my late grandma. His favorite thing to do when I visit is talk about my outfit, make me spin around and chuckle at some of the crazy combinations I come up with. I think true beauty is being appreciated for who you are entirely--not just your face or figure.
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style is vintage! I love the 1920s-70s for inspiration and will mix genres at random. I love wearing something classic with something modern like a pair of skinny jeans. I think my favorite thing to wear is hats! I'm building up quite a collection from antique stores and vintage shops.
What are the most treasured things in your closet?
My most treasured thing is probably two things: I have these amazing shoes by Seychelles that look like flapper shoes! The other would be my awesome 40s black, velveteen hat with netting that goes over your face and a giant feather on the side. So dramatic! I love it!
You have an incredible voice! Tell me about your band and how you got into music.
Well, I've always loved music but never had much time to pursue it. I was in theater and chorus in High School but by the time I went to college I no longer had the time to pursue music. I had a period of unemployment after grad school which was really difficult to deal with. I decided that since I didn't know when I would get hired that I may as well do the things I was always afraid to try. I secretly always wanted to sing in a band and after a karaoke night with friends, Manny Felix (our drummer) approached me about auditioning for his band. I immediately said yes and the rest is history!
Whats your favorite thing about being Maria?
I don't think anyone has asked me what my favorite thing about being me is before! Well, I guess it's my ability to feel comfortable in my own skin and laugh at myself. I don't ever want to take myself too seriously or feel more important than I am. Even when it comes to music I know there are younger, prettier, more talented girls out there and I'm okay with it. I just try to accept who I am, laugh at the things I'm bad at (like throwing! I'm the worst!) enjoy my friends and what I love to do.
love this, especially the part about her grandfather!
ReplyDeleteI concur! Thanks for reading Desto :)