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Thursday, January 28, 2010


Why hello there! Thank you so much for visiting my little bloggy! I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tiffany and I am the owner of KittenPawsVintage. I get to pick out all the vintage goods and present them to you here on the internets in beautiful and creative ways! When not shopping for vintage and taking rad photos of clothing I enjoy drinking obscene amounts of coffee, crazy dance parties, jam sessions, traveling the planet, doodling, and designing things.

I started KittenPaws about a year ago as kind of a creative outlet to get more into fashion photography. Previous to KP I would often buy brightly colored vintage clothing, "style" my friends in it and set up mini photoshoots. After some of this clothing started to pile up, I decided to open up a little shop and here we are! Interesting fact, I shoot most of my images on a Vintage 35mm Pentax. Sure it's not practical, but I'm an artist at my core, and I looooove film! It matches the vintage aesthetic that I strive for, so it's completely worth it.

I am so excited for this next year as KittenPaws really starts to grow and I am sooo appreciative to everyone who has helped make KP possible, customers of course, and then all  of my beautiful friends who model for me week after week.

Alright, enough about me, tell me about yourself!

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