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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Art Show!

Bottom 5 images by Zach Newsome of Fractal Gallery you can find more on his flickr stream here.

What a blast this show was! I'm am so excited I got to be a part of the June First Fridays Fractal Gallery Show! It is such a great space and I got to show my work along side of some really talented Phoenix artists Mark Pate, Jon Ashcroft, Eric Kasper, and Jason Garcia. In total I had 14 photos up most of which I would define as kind of fine arts fashion photography. All were taken with either my vintage 35 mm Pentax or using Polaroid 669 Film.

Fractal is a super cool gallery space that just recently opened in the grand avenue arts district of downtown phoenix. It's not only an art space but also a music venue, community center, and bike co op! The owners are really great people and I can't wait to see what they do with the space. Yayyy Fractal! If you are in Phoenix, it's def a place to check out.