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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Decentralized Dance Party Phoenix!

Oh man! Way too much fun for a Wednesday night. Just got back from Phoenix's Decentralized Dance Party aka a massive flash mob like traveling street dance party! The party travels by way of many portable boomboxes carried on the shoulders of party people all tuned in to the same frequency a dj in the crowd is transmitting from. Danced quite a bit with my awesome roomies, participated in Arizonas largest and most awkward congo line and watched break-dancing horses, gorillas and banana-mans! What a crazy time! The event was put on by Tom and Gary's Dynamic Dance Party Delivery Service which is currently touring throughout Canada and America bringing dance party to the streets. Pretty much my dream come true, hah!! If they are coming to your city, be sure to join in on the fun! So great.


  1. Seems like you were having a lot of fun :)
    I really like the design of your page, so I'm definitly going to check it out later.

  2. Seriously, such a blast! PS, thanks for stopping by the blog lady :)

  3. Awesome ideas put together i find here.

  4. haha that dance party looks awesome!


  5. Thanks for stopping by Clara - great blog! Love all your outfit picks! And Yes, seriously awesome dance party Natalie! I highly recommend if it comes to your city :)
