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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Photoshoot by Shane Hubbard :D

Just wanted to share a few pictures my friend Shane Hubbard took of me. I'm wearing some of my favorite vintage pieces from my own personal collection complete with a super fab vintage buis time brief case that should be up in the shop soon :) In other news I have about one more week until I leave for NYC for the summer! SO much to do before then including a big art show at Fractal gallery tomorrow! I'm going to try to take pictures at the show to share. I'm usually bad about taking out and about type photos because I generally want to be part of the party and if I have a camera I kind of get locked to that and go into my own special world. Sooooo I'll be good take some sweet documentary type photos and be social at the same time. Multi tasking I can do it (!)


  1. how do you know shane?! i know him from Camber at Cornerstone. if you see him again, tell him i say hi!

  2. Very cool indeed and great photos and look! Look at that grass!

  3. I love this outfit as well as the photos! You look great.

  4. that skirt and that briefcase...incredible.
